selected works
Editor & Post Production

in my debuting AB-Roll years as an editor i often came across technical defects related to inaccuracy in setting the IN and OUT points; this turned out to be a gateway to my realizing that narratives can be seen and experienced through flash cuts​​​​​​​
analogue Glitch Art of the 90s
European Networks

with Stina Blomgren

with Pascal Weber

with Kristin Solberg

Reality Tv

a fun and exciting Reality Show that follows four amazing men as they travel through Argentina 
on their BMW motorbikes [ private show, can only be fully watched upon request ]
Corporate Tv

Banque Libano-Francaise chose to communicate through real life stories to show faith in Lebanon, 
and stress on the success of Lebanese people in their own country in order to help restore 
a climate of confidence for those who hold ambitious projects and ideas ..
it was long before the bank crisis in Lebanon 
Tv Filler

a series of TV fillers about the 17th of October Revolution in Lebanon through the lenses of the photographers and photo-journalists aired on Al-Horra TV-Washington

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